The Paramacharya Speaks
General Notes (Five Chapters)
Part 1: Religion In General (Seven Chapters)
Chapter 1: Dharma Alone Protects
Chapter 3: The Purpose of Religion
Chapter 5: Devotion Common to all Faiths
Chapter 6: The Unity of Religions
Chapter 7: Qualities of Religious Teachers
Part 2: The Vedic Religion: Introductory (Five Chapters)
Chapter 1: The Religion without a Name
Chapter 2: The Universal Religion
Chapter 3 : Distinctive Features of Sanathan Dharma
Chapter 4: The Vedas - the Root of All
Chapter 5: The Vedas in their Original Form
Part 3: The Vedic Religion And Varna Dharma (Ten Chapters)
Chapter 2: What is Varna Dharma?
Chapter 4: Divided by Work but still of One Heart
Chapter 5: Why Only in This Country
Chapter 6: Who is Responsible for the Decay of Varna Dharma?
Chapter 7: Preserving the Vedas: Why it is a Lifetime Mission
Chapter 8: The Least Expected of Brahmins
Chapter 9: Is Cutting off the Head a Cure for Headache?
Part 4: The Sastras And Modern Life (Four Chapters)
Chapter 1: The Cure for the Disease called Modern Civilization
Chapter 2: Religion and Society
Chapter 3 : Neither too Much Ease nor too Many Comforts
Chapter 4: Sastra or Conscience?
Part 5: The Vedas (Forty-three Chapters)
Chapter 1: The Basic Texts of Hinduism: Our Ignorance of Them
Chapter 3: The Fourteen Abodes of Knowledge
Chapter 4: Past Glory and Present Shame
Chapter 5: The Root of Our Religion
Chapter 8: Western Vedic Research
Chapter 9: Date of the Vedas: Inquiry not Proper
Chapter 10: Methods of Chanting
Chapter 12 : The Vedas are Infinite
Chapter 15: The Glory of the Vedas
Chapter 16: Yajna or Sacrifice
Chapter 17: Not in Other Religions
Chapter 18: The Threefold Purpose of Yajna
Chapter 19: The Celestials and Mortals Help Each Other
Chapter 20: The Capacity to Work and the Capacity to Protect
Chapter 21: Rites for Celestials and Rites for Fathers
Chapter 22: The Purpose of Sacrifices
Chapter 23: Is Sacrificial Killing Justified?
Chapter 24: Animal Sacrifice in the Age of Kali
Chapter 26: Those Who Conduct Sacrifices
Chapter 28: To Discover The One Truth
Chapter 29: Brahmana and Aranyaka
Chapter 32: Veda and Vedanta: Are They Opposed to One Another?
Chapter 34: What do the Vedas Teach Us?
Chapter 35: Essence of the Upanisadic Teaching
Chapter 37: Brahmins and Non-Brahmins
Chapter 38: Sakhas now Studied
Chapter 42: Greatness of the Vedas
Chapter 43: The Six Limbs of the Vedas
Part 6: Siksa (Fourteen Chapters)
Chapter 1: Nose of the Vedapurusa
Chapter 3: Root Language - Sanskrit
Chapter 7: Languages and Scripts: Indian and Foreign
Chapter 9: Importance of Enunciation and Intonation
Chapter 10: Versions with Slight Differences
Chapter 11: Vedic Vocalisation and the Regional
Chapter 12: Impact of Siksa Sastra
Chapter 14: Other Notable Aspects of Siksa
Part 7: Vyakarana (Six Chapters)
Chapter 1: Mouth of the Vedapurusa
Chapter 4: Sanskrit and Tamil Grammar
Chapter 5: Sanskrit: The Universal Language
Chapter 6: Linguistic Studies and Religion
Part 8: Chandas (Seven Chapters)
Chapter 1: Foot of the Vedapurusa
Chapter 4: How Poetry was born
Chapter 5: Some Metrical Forms
Chapter 6: Uses of Chandas Sastra
Chapter 7: Foot for the Vedas, Nose for the Mantras
Part 9: Nirukta (One Chapter)
Chapter 1: Ear of the Vedapurusa
Part 10: Jyotisa (Nine Chapters)
Chapter 1: Eye of the Vedapurusa
Chapter 2: Astronomy and Astrology
Chapter 3: Ancient Mathematical Treatises
Chapter 5: The Grahas and Human Life
Chapter 7: Modern Discoveries in Ancient Works
Part 11: Kalpa (One Chapter)
Chapter 1: Hand of the Vedapurusa
Part 12: Mimamasa - Karmamarga (Twelve Chapters)
Chapter 1: Explication of Vedic Laws
Chapter 2: No Concept of God in Mimamsa
Chapter 3 : Nyaya and Mimamsa: They brought about the Decline of Buddhism
Chapter 4: Buddhism and Indian Society
Chapter 5: Sankara and Non-Vedantic Systems
Chapter 7: Mimamsa and Adi Sankara
Chapter 8: Determining the Meaning of Vedic Texts
Chapter 11: Vedanta and Mimamsa
Chapter 12: How Mimamsa is Esteemed
Part 13: Nyaya (Eight Chapters)
Chapter 1: Science of Reasoning
Chapter 8: Some Stories and Some Arguments
Part 14: Puranas (Twenty Chapters)
Chapter 1: Magnifying Glass of the Vedas
Chapter 2: Puranas and History
Chapter 3: Are the Puranas a Lie of Are They Metaphorical?
Chapter 4: Meaningful even if Imaginary
Chapter 5: Vyasa's Priceless Gift to Us
Chapter 6: Upa-puranas and Others
Chapter 7: Itihasas and Puranas
Chapter 8: The Epics and their Greatness
Chapter 9: Why Differences among the Gods?
Chapter 11: Many paths to the One Goal
Chapter 12: Who Taught the Puranas?
Chapter 13: They Speak like a Friend
Chapter 16: The Authenticity of Sthala Puranas
Chapter 17: Interconnected Stories
Chapter 18: Importance of Sthala Puranas
Chapter 19: Preserving the Puranas
Chapter 20: Palm-leaf Manuscripts in Libraries
Part 15: Dharmasastra (Eight Chapters)
Chapter 1: Realising the Ideals of the Puranas
Chapter 2: Smritis and Allied Works
Chapter 3: Vaidyanatha-Diksitiyam
Chapter 4: Freedom and Discipline
Chapter 6: Smritis - not Independent Works
Chapter 7: The Source of Smritis is the Vedas
Chapter 8: Sruti-Smriti - Srauta-Smarta
Part 16: The Forty Samskaras (Ten Chapters)
Chapter 2: Paradise or the Path of Atmajnana?
Chapter 3: Three Types of Worlds
Chapter 4: Meaning of Samskara
Chapter 5: The Eight Qualities
Chapter 6: Gunas in Practical Life
Chapter 9: Samskaras Performed by Parents
Chapter 10: Why not All Samskaras for All?
Part 17: Brahmacaryasrama (Fifteen Chapters)
Chapter 2: The Sastras and Popular Custom
Chapter 3: Basic to the Vedic Tradition
Chapter 4: Qualities of a Brahmacarin
Chapter 5: Naisthika Brahmacarya and Family Life
Chapter 6: Upanayana: When to Perform It?
Chapter 8: Why Early Upanayana
Chapter 9: Domestic Life and the Carnal Desire
Chapter 11: The Brahmin must keep his Body Pure
Chapter 12: Gayatri and Sandhyavandana
Chapter 13: Other Aspects of Sandhyavandana
Chapter 15: The High Status of Our Women
Part 18: Marriage (Seventeen Chapters)
Chapter 1: For the Practise of Dharma
Chapter 2: Upanayana for Girls
Chapter 3: The Age of Marriage and the Law
Chapter 4: Controversy about Age of Marriage
Chapter 5: Eight Forms of Marriage
Chapter 7: Make Marriages Simple
Chapter 9: Duty of the Bridegroom
Chapter 10: Arrangements made by the Matha
Chapter 14: Marriage Expenses and the Sastras
Chapter 15: Three Ways to Economy
Chapter 16: Ideals of Marriage
Part 19: Grhasthasrama (Ten Chapters)
Chapter 1: Grhastha and Grhini
Chapter 3: Can a new Brahmin Caste be Created?
Chapter 5: Agni and the Vedic Religion
Chapter 9: A Day in the Life of a Brahmin
Part 20: Varna Dharma For Universal Well-Being (Seventeen Chapters)
Chapter 1: Jatis - Why so many Differences?
Chapter 2: Character and Vocation by Birth
Chapter 3: Vocations according to Guna not in Practice
Chapter 7: Hinduism and Other Religions
Chapter 8: The Eternal Religion
Chapter 9: Brahmins are not a Privileged Caste
Chapter 10: Universal Well-being
Chapter 11: The Fourth Varna has its own Advantages
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Purpose of Varna Dharma
Chapter 14: The Universal Remedy
Chapter 15: Sankara and Sanatana Dharma
Chapter 16: Cry "Grow" - Don't Cry "Perish"
Part 21: From Work To Worklessness (Seven Chapters)
Chapter 1: Outward Karma - Inward Meditation
Chapter 2: How to Cultivate Character and Good Conduct
Chapter 3: "Samsare Kim Saram?"
Chapter 5: Do We Need Rituals?
Chapter 6: Karma is the Starting Point of Yoga
Part 22: Dharmas Common To All (Fourteen Chapters)
Chapter 1: How to Control the Mind
Chapter 4: Sesame and Water: Where do they Go?
Chapter 7: To Serve Others is to Feel Blessed
Chapter 8: Making all Creatures Happy
Chapter 9: Towards Mental Purity
Chapter 12: Are We Worthy of Being Angry?